Vira Bhava Yoga School

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Exploration & Discovery

Do you consider yourself an explorer?  Are you curious about life and it’s details?  Are you compelled to seek an understanding of the big picture?  Are you turned on by the mystery? Then you may be an explorer, just like me.  Over time I’ve learned that exploring is a path of seeking without searching. That to truly explore, we must be lead by curiosity and not goals. When we explore, we know that our destinations are places to begin, not end.  Exploration requires us to let go of the plans and expected outcomes, which can be scary and disorienting. As explorers, we are called to experience what IS rather than change what isn’t to meet our expectations of safety and control. This is a place of unknowns, of questions without answers, of absence of security. And it takes a lot of courage.

Most of us are too uncomfortable with the unknowns to enjoy the exploration.  The irony of this being that nothing is truly known, and change is inevitable.  We invest all of our time and energy into creating stable, rigid outcomes, yet the nature of the universe is change, ask Steve Jobs.  You achieve the success, you have the wealth and security you desire, then bam! the game is over. No time left to enjoy the spoils of your victory. Our whole lives are built around the false edifice of accomplishment.  We truly believe that once we have enough ____________ (time, money, love, support, energy, you fill in the blank), then everything will be perfect. We work so hard to get to this place of enoughness that we forget to live the life we are creating.  We invest all of our energy in outcomes, and we forget that the point is to live our moments fully. We forget that WE are the point, not what we can do or achieve.

Because of our discomfort with the unknown, we build boxes of protection around ourselves. We construct walls of routines of security, stability, and protection. We seek to make our lives manageable, often sacrificing the JOY of living in the process. Our boxes become so small, tight and controlled that they limit our life expression.  We don’t have wiggle room, we can’t stretch ourselves beyond the container we’ve created, then rather than changing the box, we work to wrestle the vast possibilities of life into our little cage of existence. We learn to live with the discomfort of our limitations, and choose to focus all of our energy on maintaining and strengthening the walls we build around ourselves.  The irony is that the energy you try to fit, stuff, contain inside the box of safety is by its very nature unlimited and expansive. Rather than expand ourselves to hold it, we try to condense it into pieces that over time become dull or volatile, and then...things fall apart. Because you see, the divine's play is to liberate burn our boxes of safety to the ground. THE DIVINE PLAN IS TO SET US FREE!

So, you wanna get on board? Do you want to align with the divine rather than work against it? It’s easy.  Explore your LIFE! What do you want to explore? How can you allow the unknowns to be the destination? Energy is constantly moving, flowing, creating, and permeating all things we do.  We can try to contain it, reduce it, control it from a place of fear and resistance, OR we can work with energy to shape our path, to propel us in the direction of alignment and ease. This is the practice of TANTRA!

When we reframe our understanding of our lives, we create the space for new possibilities and we heal old resistances. When we develop an acute awareness of how we feel and work to create a relationship with that feeling we understand more about ourselves. The intensity of our emotions, yearnings, and fears is the call of our Self. Can you hear it?  Our work is to commune with energy for the greatest outcome.

So what do you desire right now?  What does your heart whisper only to you that no one else can hear?  Are you feeling the nudge of something bigger in your life, something more innately YOU?  If you are reading this, maybe it’s time for you to step into a deeper level of discovery.  Maybe it’s time to get to know yourself better, to commit to your practice in a new way, to refine your offerings as a teacher.  If you are ready to stretch beyond your self created limitations, then we invite you to join us at any of our upcoming trainings. Learn more here.