Vira Bhava Yoga School

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The Essence of Seva in Yoga

Seva, a Sanskrit term deeply rooted in yogic philosophy, goes beyond the simple act of service. It represents selfless giving, an offering made with no expectation of return. Let’s venture into a deeper understanding of seva, its origins, and its undeniable link to our yoga practice both on and off the mat.

The Origin and Depth of Seva
Seva finds its mention in several sacred yogic texts, pointing towards acts of devotion, kindness, and service. It's not about serving for acknowledgment or self-gratification; it's the embodiment of yoga's call to unite, harmonize, and uplift.

From Personal Practice to Life: Seva in Action
Our dedication to our practice—be it through asana, meditation, or pranayama—prepares us for the broader practice of life. The patience, compassion, and discipline cultivated in our sessions translate into an innate desire to serve without boundaries. It's in the moments of challenge and discomfort in our poses that we learn the essence of selfless giving, pushing past our perceived limits to nurture and grow.

Ensuring Authentic Seva
The line between genuine service and performative altruism can blur. While the intention to help is commendable, it's essential to ensure our acts of service aren't merely to soothe our conscience or for external validation. True seva arises from a heart full of love and the pure joy of giving.