Welcome to the VBY
200-Hour Online Yoga Training

Module 2: Discipline & Study

This module will provide 30 hours of content related to Yoga Philosophy, Practice, and Teaching.


SECTION 1: Introduction to Pranayama (Anatomy & Practice)

  • Assignment: Read The Breathing Book by Donna Farhi & complete the exercise on p.36 (guided video practice below)

  • Practice: Where Do I Breathe?

SECTION 2: The Yoga Sutra & Meditation (Philosophy & Practice)

  • Assignment: Read The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali (any translation- Chapters 1 & 2 only)

  • Intro to the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali Watch this video lecture & answer the questions on p.51 in your Student Workbook.

  • Intro to Meditation Watch this video lecture & answer the questions on p.52 in your Student Workbook.

SECTION 3: Prone Backbends (Asana T&M)

  • Backbends are poses that extend the spine. They are usually asymmetrical, but sometimes practiced in asymmetrical postures. Backbends are energetically stimulating, and they increase Pran & Udana Vayus. They uplift, invigorate, and stimulate the immune system.

  • Watch each of the following instructional videos for these prone backbends. As you watch, practice each asana in your body and try out different modifications, adjustments, and self-assists. Follow along in your Teaching the Asanas Manual, making note of any questions, observations, insights, and discoveries.

  • Assignment: For each of the asanas below, write at least 3 teaching points (or alignment cues) in your own words.

1. Virabhadrasana I | Warrior I (p.29)

Sanskrit Pronunciation

2. Salabhasana | Locust Pose (p.31)

Sanskrit Pronunciation

3. Bhujangasana | Cobra Pose (p.33)

Sanskrit Pronunciation

4. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana | Upward Facing Dog (p.35)

Sanskrit Pronunciation

5. Dhanurasana | Bow Pose (p.37)

Sanskrit Pronunciation

  • Assignment: Follow the instructions on p.74 in your Student Workbook to prepare a 3 minute Savasana that you will teach to the class in your next live session.

SECTION 4: Yoga Anatomy (The Foot, Ankle, and Knee Joints)

  • Assignment: Modules 4 & 5 (The Foot, Ankle, & Knee Joints)

    • Login to your Yoga Anatomy Course at www.yoganatomy.com

    • Complete Modules 4 & 5, including any associated reading assignments (Functional Anatomy of Yoga by David Kiel) & Module quizzes. Be sure to mark each section as complete before moving on to the next section!

    • Answer 3 discussion questions from each module, and bring your answers (as well as any questions, insights, inspirations or curiosities) with you to our next live session

SECTION 5: Homework (due next live session)

  • Complete all above assignments, plus:

  • Home Practice Log: Practice at least 5x/week, and document your practice. Submit one practice documentation prior to Module 2:

    • What did you practice? For how long?

    • How did it make you feel?

    • What did you notice?

  • Journal: Keep a journal near your practice space & make notes about any insights that arise both in your practice AND in your life. Turn in a copy of one journal entry prior to Module 2

  • Asana Sheets: Matsyasana

    • Using any and all resources available to you (including your own practice), fill in as much information on this form as you can for malasana. This is a way for you to expand your understanding of the asanas beyond what we do together. You can’t do it wrong!

  • Module 2 Quiz: Once you have completed all Module 2 coursework, please complete this Quiz to check for understanding. This helps us to get a better understanding of what we might need to review or revisit, and don’t worry- you simply cannot fail!

  • Satsang: During our next satsang, we will focus on the theme of Discipline. In preparation for our discussion, use the space on p.8 in your Student Workbook to reflect on your relationship with discipline, both in practice & in life.


You have reached the end of Module 2. You will receive your Module 3 login credentials after your next live session. If you are have questions or if you are struggling to feel supported, don’t hesitate to reach out to your mentor, peers, and/or lead teacher for support.