Advanced Studies Online FULL PROGRAM (payment plan)

Advanced Studies Online FULL PROGRAM (payment plan)

$81.25 every month for 4 months

The Advanced Studies Program consists of 4 Online Modules that can be explored individually or taken as a whole. The program is designed to explore the depth of Power that this practice has to offer. Purchase the full program here and pay just $156.25 for 4 months. Deepen your practice & teaching on your time & budget.



The Advanced Studies Online Program is a revolutionary way to deepen your practice at home, work within your budget, and manage your timeline.

A 100 Hour Non-Certification course to deepen your study of Tantra and directly apply it to your practice.

YA CEU Hours available

If you have been desiring more depth in your practice your teaching, or your life this program provides the foundation. Through lecture, practice, and guided experience, you will learn how to apply the teachings of Tantra to your LIFE.

This Program is designed around the structure of the Five Koshas.  Each module will explore one of the Koshas in depth, drawing on physical practice, pranic exploration, and Tantric philosophy. We will explore the significance and subtle aspects of each Kosha and its relevance to an empowered practice of Yoga.