Episode 12: The Yogic Art of Critical Thought

In this, the last episode of Season 1, we delve into the skill and art of thinking critically. We discuss the markers of critical thought avoidance, and explore the ways that critical thinking can actually expand and grow our relationship with ourselves and the world. As always, I dare you to expand your ideas of what you thought you knew, and challenge you to allow your questions to stretch your boundaries. Enjoy, and be sure to subscribe to the Yoga of Resilience Podcast wherever you find your podcasts so you don’t miss out on Season 2!

This podcast was recorded live on July 22nd, 2021.

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Vira Bhava YogaComment
Episode 11 : Buoyancy

In this episode I get personal in my talk about how the highs and lows and ups and downs of life is how we learn how to be buoyant. We talk about meeting the truth where it's at rather than trying to change and control our circumstances to give us what we want to feel good as a Yogic practice. We review our willingness to meet the hard stuff without denying the beauty, and wrestle with the process of unraveling our attachment to things being only one way. This episode challenges you to feel, open, and even to be broken. I hope it resonates with you.

This podcast was recorded live on June 24th, 2021.

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Vira Bhava YogaComment
Episode 10 : Holding Complexity

In this episode I do my best to unravel the understanding of complexity, a difficult challenge to say the least. I weave together some ideas about the nature of the complex and our engagement with it, and take a practical stance on how we can work with it in our lives. I challenge the approach of reducing and managing complexity, and instead invite you directly into the possibility that it holds. I hope you enjoy, and I hope that rather than making things more clear, this episode leaves you with curiosities and questions that inspire you to explore further.

This episode was recorded live on May 20th, 2021.

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Episode 9 : What Is Tantra?

In this episode, I am talking about Tantra, an often misrepresented and misunderstood system and practice. I will be talking generally about the definitions of Tantra and how they can be applied to our everyday lives, and hopefully dispel some of the common myths about the practice. There is a brief meditation included at the beginning of this talk that provides a tiny taste of the experience of Tantra. Enjoy the listen!

This podcast was recorded live on September 6th, 2020.

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Episode 8 : The Wound Is The Weapon

This episode is fiery and pokes at some tender edges. In it, we explore the Tantric teaching of how to alchemize the wound into the weapon. Host Kelly Golden challenges the modern attachment to trauma identification, and calls forth the use of the Ego as a tool, rather than something to be transcended or overcome. We go head to head with the idea that we can be anything other than wounded, and then wonder about how we can engage more skillfully through reclaiming the woundedness rather than denying it.

We hope it pokes you a little, and inspires you to explore a lot. Enjoy.

This podcast was recorded live on April 22nd, 2021.

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Episode 7 : What is Yoga, Really?

In this episode, we get down and dirty with the truth of what Yoga is (and isn’t). We explore the original definition of the word in contrast to how its used in the modern industry of Yoga. We talk about how Yoga can be evidenced in our day to day lives as well as applied to our practice on the mat. We challenge the industry assumptions and regulations about the practice and teaching of Yoga and encourage you to explore for yourselves. We hope this conversation provokes you to think more deeply about how you practice and share Yoga. Enjoy!

This podcast was recorded live on April 3rd, 2021.

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Episode 6 : Change

In this episode we are talking about change: our resistance to it and how understanding it can lead to greater resilience. We talk about what the impact might be if we choose to willingly enter into change rather than resist or control it and wonder about why constancy seems so safe when it is evidently unattainable. I hope you enjoy episode that invites us to normalize being wrong, and opening to the inevitable.

This podcast was recorded live on March 25th, 2021.

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Episode 5 : We Were Made For These Times

This episode was recorded in April 2020 at the beginning of the Pandemic. In it, we dare to wonder if the experience of modern Yoga is an experiment that might not have worked. The questions posed and explored are: Can we let go of what we think that we know that Yoga is? Can we turn toward our practice as a bridge to trusting ourselves over external authority, to accessing our resilience in times of difficulty, to accepting the unknown not as an obstacle but as an opportunity? As the world starts to slowly crawl out from under the weight of the Coronavirus pandemic, we find these questions & reflections to be even more potent. We hope you enjoy.

This episode was recorded live on February 25th, 2021.

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Episode 4: Reflection

In this episode, Kelly explores the practice of self-reflection as a support and sustaining force in Resilience, and describes the primary tools to an effective, reflective practice: patience, courage, silence, and willingness. In this conversation, we discuss reflection as a practice that asks us to dare to be less fragile- not unbroken, not healed- but less avoidant, less anxious, and more willing. These things are the recipe for Resilience.

This episode was recorded live on February 25th, 2021.

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Episode 3: On Love & Grief

In this episode, Kelly explores the relationship between love & grief, and how deepening our understanding of this relationship can create the capacity for greater resilience. Grief is a natural and true part of our humanness, and in this episode we explore how grief and love can coexist, and how allowing yourself to feel the fullness of your grief might actually give you access to greater love.

This episode was recorded live on October 1st, 2020.

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Episode 2: Joy

In this episode, host Kelly Golden leaps headlong into a conversation about Joy as a practice. We explore the connection between joy and trust and poke at the possibility that the avoidance of Joy is a method of Spiritual Bypassing as much as the Love and Light mentality. As always, we end by offering contemplations to explore in your own life and practice... What kind of requirements do you put around what you celebrate? What demands and expectations do you have around your celebrations? And are they part of the resistance to joy? What draws you in? What magnetizes you into it? What intrigues you?

This episode was recorded live on January 21, 2021.

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Episode 1: Unlearning

In this episode, Kelly explores unlearning as a path to resilience, and pokes around at the possibility that learning and unlearning are really two sides of the same coin that lead us to the experience of resilience. We talk about the Tantric understanding of learning and knowledge, and challenge us to find our knowing from within rather than give our trust away to external systems. This podcast was recorded on 12/3/20, during the turbulent times of the aftermath of the 2020 Presidential election in the US, and addressed the uncertainty that was simmering in the atmosphere. Our exploration here encourages students and listeners to explore new pathways of knowing and certainty.

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